why does my chicken have a weird texture

CBS news story from 2016 link at the end of my post, but this is clearly still happening. I thought it was the injection or saline or something, but it's actually a deformity of the chicken's muscles called "woody chicken" or "woody breasts". I eat it but it is very concerning. Texture is an emerging challenge within the poultry industry. Sorry I can't help you because I haven't bought chicken in a supermarket for more years than I can remember. If I hard boil them, they are difficult to peel, the whites have a weird texture and the yolks are like rubber balls. Seems like a common problem. I would start it at that temp but then drop it down to 375 and cook more slowly. But the shampoo and perfumes and whatnot have carcinogens in them as well. But based on her research, Owens believes woody breasts are related to the development of the muscle. Its not you, its genetic altering gone wild. Same thing happened to me when I made chicken parm last week..I thought it might be the pounding or the pan, but same thing you describe.cooked but textremely is raw feeling in the mouththought I was crazy. . This has happened to me a few times both cooking chicken breast at home and also out at restaurants. I also have had chicken at restaurants and have witnessed this same unpleasant taste. "Local trauma" to the tastebuds aka burning your tongue on hot stuff can change your sense of taste. . It will take many, many customers to make a large enough demand for the poultry farmers to take notice. First it was chicken, and last night it was my pork chops. Sugar Hill, GA home of A chicken wood. What I've also noticed is a difference in color at the market. Read about it here: Interesting. When I cut into the chicken I feel resistance (like you would when butchering raw chicken rather than cutting/carving cooked chicken) and there is a strange almost squeaky mouth feel. June 19, 2019. Agree with Susie S. It does appear to be two separate issues. I have had this problem for months and it seems totally random. Yeah, you can't do much worse. Barf. Maybe a milder version of the defect is sold rather than pulled from the line or reprocessed? omg. . Odd raw texture even though I was sure it was cooked. I only ate a few pieces before throwing it away. That being said I have only had this happen maybe 1 - 2% of the time of eating this meat I once loved. I know my household has dropped chicken consumption dramatically. "I pay close to double what I used to pay when I was buying non-organic, but for me, its worth it.". Hopefully chicken farms are seeing these complaints and are considering addressing them! I wish I could find a brand of organic chicken breasts that are not crunchy. I have been going crazy trying to figure this out for months now as well. That is the short non scientific answer. We spit out those pieces. Eating grisly chicken is just gross. As other commentators have correctly observed, woody breast, is essentially a muscular disorder that begins to manifest early on in the chickens life and gets progressively worse at they reach their slaughter, weight, which is as few as 4-5 weeks later. My guess is all the saline/ other solutions that are pumped into the chicken while raw, so that it can be sold for more profit. Texture: Undercooked chicken is jiggly and dense. But sometimes, the meat becomes almost crunchy. First noticed the stringiness when buying chicken sandwiches from fast food restaurants. You are correct the chicken is crunchy inside like you biting into a tendons it's crazy . This is bad, i am going to talk to two local butchers about this issue. If you think for 1 minute that they havent been playing around with everything profitable, and inserting it into the most lucrative systems, you are mistaken. Kirkland chicken breasts from Costco have been "woody" apparently as well. Have you ever read any of the science journal articles on genetically altered chickens? Who knows what their vegetarian feed is comprised of. This was sporadic a few years ago, now its 4 out of 5 chicken purchases. It happens quite a bit with their sandwiches to the point we stopped getting them. Why does my chicken have a weird texture? i always buy organic boneless/skinless from a local co-op so i dont think its only a mass-production problem. The chicken Tycoons cannot find a more humane way to end a lifetime of suffering to the sufferage unequaled of being hung upside down the inescapable grasp holding their feet/claws seeing what is happening to family, friends, fellow chickens being boiled alive and knowing you are next. I have noticed the odd texture for the last decade. Is there a special covering to use? Sorry not Bell & Howell (lol) its Bell & Evans chickens. Filthy, diseased animals just piled on top of each other in a filthy environment. This has happened to me with bone in, skin on chicken breasts and also skinless boneless breasts. I cut it and it was a little hard to cut into but the when I started chewing it had a consistency or should I say texture of it being raw but when I looked at it it was cooked and looked fine. Cooked chicken that has gone bad will usually be slimy, sticky, and overly soft. I experienced the strange texture for the first time with Purdue boneless, skinless chicken breasts tonight. Instructions. Im surprised that this is happening in higher welfare chicken also.. just had a skim through the article written about it and its very concerning. Maybe we all need to go back to our local farmers if there are still any independent and still in business. Ive noticed it one other time. Then you realize something different is happening and it's not something you can finish eating. NAHHHHH So now Im sitting here hangry af looking at a juicy hard woody with Extreme disappointment. Negative. If I dont think about it, Yes, I have this thread actually set to push notifications also..overcrowding. It is just in boneless breasts that we have had the issue I called the grocery store manager and he said he has had more than a few complaints on in past and the complaints are restarting again. . I've been saying this for the last 18 months but nobody has noticed it except for me. ALL the meat WAS good. That stress results in degradation of protein so the composition changes and you get collagen and fat that moves into the muscle." High environmental temperatures are the most common cause of thin-shelled eggs. I found some free range chickens in some good little health food store and bought the smallest breasts I could find. Stephanie , you are exactly right. Even cooking it for an extra hour does nothing for the texture. Watch out for all the other meat, too. BRAND organic simple truth and now knowing Im not cray and theyre others seeking out a reason hoping my chicken has a hardbody- I guess I mightve found bc its a vegetarian and free runs their homeLands so yes its normal. It's always the same. I too have had this issue. I thought I was going to be able to save time driving, but Im going back to Whole Foods! The last two pkgs of name brand, individually wrapped boneless chicken breasts that I bought taste uncooked because of a strange almost crunchy texture, even tho my instant read thermometer is at 190. Happened a third time today a week or so since the last bag though I think they were in the same set of 6 Never knew it was called woody. This is a very old discussion but I had to comment. The random raw textures is still when over cooking @179 degrees. Not knowing the reason, i search the internet and read an article from the Wall Street Journal. The texture of chicken gizzard is similar to that of liver, and it can be chewy. It's like it's stringy and rubbery at once. Yes!!! What started out as sporadic, is now quite pervasive. Maybe not, some people I've asked think I'm crazy, others agree whole-heartedly. . It like the growth hormones in 1990s milk. NOTHING ruins a lunch like anticipating that perfect chicken breast only to bite into a texture that is almost indescribable; at first you are certain that it's raw. Glad Im not the only one! Why does my chicken have a rubbery texture? I wonder what goes into our food these days. What is so frustrating is making a nice chicken dish (marsala, francese) for company and not knowing who will get the uneatable piece! I see it just about every time I'm out there shopping for chicken breast, and now know what to avoid. It's Nasty. Nobody seems to notice that this is happening EVERYWHERE . Lately, even before the pandemic but not to the same extent, I have had issues with chicken. As long as it's not dangerous, they may remain quiet. So, maybe if a parent chicken had antibiotics/chemicals/etc but a baby chicken did not and was raised differently, it would still be affected by this disease. Do you think like genetics of chickens are changing really rapidly because of the use of all these antibiotics and chemicals? Practice looking at the chicken you eat out so that you can identify perfectly-cooked chicken every time. That being said, there could be a myriad of reasons for this - humidity level in the fridge, container/storage, other foods in proximity, age of the meat, the texture makeup of chicken vs other meats (allowing different amounts of moisture, bacteria, etc), etc. "In inspecting fresh chicken breasts in the package, it would be harder to the touch if the breast had the condition," Tom Super, Senior VP of Communications at the National Chicken Council, told TODAY. has nothing to do with organic versus non. Tough dark meat usually is indicative of old bird or a tad under cooked. It's been hit or miss with me when cooking at home. at least then i was finally convinced it has nothing to do with me or how im preparing the meat. This leads me to believe that the half hour or some the skewers were together, the fresh pineapple started to react with the chicken. ( stop giggling ) The farmers are either pumping them full of hormones or super rich foods to get the breasts to grow very large very fast. The texture really is unpleasant. We had to make omelettes. I again panicked and asked if she could bring back a piece that they took back so I can look at it in the light. I have found that if I can peel that tough layer off, the chicken will cook normally and not have the disgusting texture. It's not plain roasted but it sure is tasty and the chicken is delicious. last straw was ordering in from a local restaurant with critically-acclaimed roast chicken last weeksame issue on a bone-in breast! So relieved to know I'm not going mad. I did this for about a month or so and no matter how I cooked them they were not crunchy or woody. This weird phenomenon is known as woody chicken breasts. It's very disturbing what has become of our food. "It should have a pink hue with a firm texture and plump appearance." Manager asked me to call right away if it happens again, so they can trace the provider. I'm happy to learn this because putting a name to it and understanding that it may have a tell-tale sign (the white striping), may help me avoid it when selecting chicken. There's something going on in the chicken industry that we don't know about. I buy an occasional Bell and Evans, WF 365 branded and two local farms here in NH that do a nice job. When chicken breasts are overdone, the texture becomes rubbery. It is stringy, wet, and the texture of raw meat. It's almost as if it's a tire rubber texture in my mouth. I recently bought chicken breasts from Perdue. To the point where I feel inclined never to eat chicken again. I was in the dark since the sun was in my eyes directly setting and the light was not good on my table. Mostly, the breasts that I purchase are large weighing one pound plus that I often cut in half and pound, but still get the texture problem. Trader Joes heirloomchickens are tough tasteless and dont feel cooked they used to be great now no good terrible & rubbery. What a world we our creating for ourselves! This is a very uninformed nation, and its extremely shameful. You and me both. In 20 years of breeding free range heritage breeds, she's seldom encountered the issue. Thank God I'm not crazy! I bought chicken from giant and this is the second or third time this has happened from giant brand chicken. My partner noticed it as well. started buying from somewhere else but then had a bad batch from there too (still organic.) If all they have is Frackenchicken then I look for a whole small chicken and I have been lucky to date. Have been having the same problem. Usually if you see a large piece in a tray you know it's going to be bad. . I seriously gag when I bite into a piece and my husband thinks Im crazy! While Im normally hurt when they insult my food, I couldnt help but agree!! You know what we have to do.complain, because the squeaky wheel gets the oil and corporations wouldn't want to lose a dime. Thank you!!! I thought I was in the clear with this batch. So stir fry in a very hot wok or griddle and roast in a pretty hot oven (425 or so). For me, the taste of perfume or cigarette smoke in my food is the biggest turn off. They aren't super tough, just your expected chicken breast texture. The act of biting into the meat is extremely smooth, and the breast comes off in the portion your mouth covers (there's no tear-away). Some chickens (e.g., kosher birds, but also some others) are injected with a salt solution, particularly white meat, which is essentially brining. If your chicken breasts have been more tough than usual, you're not alone. The dishonesty is systemic. I spit all of that out and called for the waitress. They said theirs was fine but I don't know if they were just being polite :(. Sad. Maybe their tenders will fare better. I checked the internal temperature and they were all between 175-185, well over the safe temperature for chicken. It is like a rubbery tough texture that kind of snaps as you finally bite through it. . In addition to looking for smaller breasts (which organic breasts tend to be), it's helpful to feel the meat. The processing of preparing chicken for the market place is being injected with water!! I can't blame her, it's disgusting. The big breasted chickens are gene edited, and all the meat we eat that is outrageously hyper-muscled (seemingly over night a decade ago) is filled dense lesions. If you know of a better brand please share. This has happened to my more than once- I thought at first I had overcooked, or even cut it the wrong way (with the grain vs. against). They were like chicken used to be. Im now part of this club, unfortunately. Now the gene editing to grow massive muscle in meat is just another tough Unregulated Globalized Business problem. They dont care, to care would hurt the global investment class. What these producers are selling is no longer what I consider edible meat. I now only buy the tenders and remove the tough tendon. The texture definitely gives off biting into raw chicken vibes! I bought them fresh today from a local farmer style market. And yes, "koshering" is indeed far more involved than just that. . According to the National Chicken Council, a woody breast is when chicken breast meat is "hard to the touch and often pale in color with poor quality texture." We had to cut chicken completely out of our diet. We are no longer laughing about Frankenchicken, because that's what it is. I recently bought a regular ABF rotisserie chicken from a local health food grocery and it was stringy and had that raw texture. We had this issue with Heritage Farms at Kroger, but since buying the organic at Costco we are just fine. Inedible. I now save my receipts, mark it in freezer if I choose to store it there. I read someone say they have no problems when they sous vide. We wind up throwing out half of our dinners each night. I'm so glad I found this site. I just got chicken from the grocery store in New Orleans and cooked it yesterday but it also seems squeaky or something. I am so paranoid about food poisoning that I was initially wondering if my thermometer was wrong and they were somehow undercooked. The chickens are being grown for market too fast. I've been having the problem for many years on and off. .I accidentally hit a button when I was not finished typing. factory chicken. I don't have any explanation, but I've had this unpleasant problem lately too - any cooking method, can kind of tell from looking at it and handling it raw that it's likely to happen. I am never buying big breasts again! This is due to chicken farms trying to increase yield on the chickens, causing them to grow larger than they naturally should. It tasted like it was undercooked, but it was long enough.. and the color seemed okay. We had to throw them away . I took one bite of that piece and immediately I tasted and smelled something flowery like what a spray bottle would leave lingering in the air. I am so frustrated with the cost of food vs the current quality. They tout themselves as something along the lines as Bell & Evans and they are not even close. Like Janet Jessica I have also experienced this very same problem. I have been completely avoiding chicken for the last 6 months, then ended up at mcdonald's last week and ordered a chicken legend on auto-pilot. About 15 minutes ago I went to cut the "gargantuan" (LOL, someone elses's word used here) breast to grill up for chicken salad and after rinsing it noticed the stringiness, and I could literally pick and pull off srtingy pcs super easy, that type of thing totally creeps me out I had chills all over immediately, eww! If I cook in crock pot its fine but if I bake it, it gets rubbery! I hope I'm not jinxing myself here, but I do think Bell and Evans may be normal. Overcooking might play a role in your chicken's tire-like texture. After I finished the salad there was a smaller piece of the chicken left in the bowl. This causes stringy, weird texture. After cooking the strips in the oven they were cut up over a salad. Its gross. This apparently (according to the article) is not dangerous to humans, but because of the now excessive muscle fiber in the breast meat, the taste and texture has changed. I was happy to come across this thread. It looks like an industry wide issue. I figured if an hour was good, all day would be better. when I chewed it it was like fake food and didn't taste like chicken. If you notice any texture changes, such as increased softness, sliminess, stickiness, or residue, it's likely no longer safe to eat. So I let it rest and cut into it and felt confident. I even tried fried chicken in hot oil the old way and same texture still ! But I couldn't even eat part of it it - the chicken while it seemed to be fully cooked had a crunchy texture as if it were somewhat raw. It's almost crunchy like, I can't eat it. Cooked what I thought would be a lovely pan-fried honey garlic chicken breast dinner - but to my disappointment the chicken bounces back when you bite into it. So we figured the vendor must have changed distributors. Oh, I know, we arent eating those, but funny how our big sick looking Chicken Breasts came at the same time they gene edited chickens. Not a fan myself. Same exact thing happening here. Raw chicken shouldn't be slimy, sticky, or tacky and should be glossy and somewhat soft. Hit or miss these days and so as not to ruin a whole meal (not to mention all the time and expense involved), I have just been cooking the meat to death, which, of course, makes it dry. I will follow up on this but it is still happening and it is disgusting. Really strange and sad. Except the neighbors heirloom tomatoes sprayed with 7 dust every 5 days. The first half of the piece I ate and it was, regular chicken, the second half past the chicken breast divide into the other half breast, was rubbery and grizzly almost, like raw chicken. I took it out briefly to check it every 20 mins or so in utter disbelief, but it was like there was so much water in the fibres of the meat that it couldn't dry up and finish cooking. I have noticed it in both the individual wrapped pieces that come in the zip bags and the plastic trays. The cheep variety is nice and smooth but then you do not know what they feed them. "In other words, it's Fido's lucky day!". I buy the breasts and thighs. its so strange because in a package of two breasts, one can be fine and the other inedible! Very unnerving and it has happened one other time to me and I Had the same reaction. Big mistake! I made that mistake with a dish in which the chicken was supposed to marinade for an hour in a mixture based on fresh lemon juice. How do they do it?! Weird texture and taste. They are Woody. But maybe something pumped into the chicken to plump it up or something injected into it during raising to harvest quicker. Has anyone identified good sources? Not only does it result in what you all have experienced in cooking chicken, but is also a painful, chronic issue in the chickens. It really feels like theyve thrown In some othe type of meat, like passed off as chicken but really not; sometimes I wish I knew a lab where they test food, anyone here know of one, Bought skinless breast and the texture when cut into was smooth and taste more like processed than real chicken, i could not eat the taste was weird. One had already told me about a term called "woody breast". My research and experience has concluded that the possible reason for the off texture is the saline brine injected in most frozen and brand name chicken. I switched to organic and don't have this issue anymore. I am so glad I found this thread as I had been noticing this is chicken breasts. Without moisture, the protein fibers in the chicken become elastic. These factors can reduce your sense of taste (called hypogeusia), take it away completely (ageusia) or cause foods and drink to taste different (called dysgeusia). Or do we get a special kind if chicken from the supermarket?!?! Also, if I cut the meat at all, I can often guess that I am going to have this issue before I even cook the meat. Exact description too. There are fiberous lines running through the breast and it was tough to cut. Makes me wonder if this new weirdly always raw chicken is a result of however they tampered with the chickens to fix the woody breast issue. Its just too lucrative for them to alter our industrial food. Bro this just happened to me. Wonder if restaurants are seeing this as well? It's possible that you're letting them out at room temperature for 2 hours. What is happening is it's all about the breasts. This weird chicken texture is very sad to me as chicken is my favorite go-to meal. Look up "Woody Brest". This happens because the heat causes the muscle fibers in the chicken to shrink, and as they shrink, they push out the water and other liquids. I just experienced this yesterday, I sous vide a bone in chicken breast at my normal temp and time I've been using and it was like biting into a raw chicken breast. Ive landed here googling the same issue. "The advice I'd give to growers to ensure their chickens don't develop woody breasts is to allow their flocks to maintain natural growth patterns. It's commonly confused with white striping, which is when fat replaces muscle tissue. We couldn't eat it; those fibers are too weird and crunch in the most unappetizing way. I will try as some have suggested, smaller breasts and tenderloins. I just had some at Applebees last night. Just tried to prepare two skinless chicken breast from Publix and it took a steak knife to cut thru it. The result of these practices are breast meat that has grown to fast for the natural ligaments,muscles,tendons, and all the other natural growing stuff that needs to take place for meat to develop properly. Why does my chicken breast have a weird texture? I have only run into this issue with breast meat. I took the other, smaller breast, cut into a chunks and quickly sauteed it for our dog. I actually googled this and your same query came up on this site. I have had issues with the taste of other meat but buying organic seems to have helped with those. People just aren't grasping the issue or aren't able to read and comprehend. I just had this experience with Trader Joe's organic chicken breasts. I also do not care for the texture of brined poultry. This is extremely common in Springer chicken. Most often, fresh chicken has limited to no smell at all. I am totally organic and purchase chicken from farms and also Whole Foods. . I threw the whole thing away and my husband thought I was crazy. The first was in a batch of frozen chicken fillets from a supermarket, but the others have been from my local butcher who are otherwise very good. Chewy & rubbery but also feels uncooked. I haven't had this issue with local market that sells fresh chicken (not previously frozen and not injected). I've been so grossed out by it that I'm ready to stop eating chicken altogether. Never had a problem with Whole Foods regular antibiotic free Rotisserie chicken. It appeared to have a very large grain in the meat. Last night I made pork chops . Overcooked chicken can have a rubbery texture because when the protein fibers are exposed to the heat for too long, they lose .

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