7 of cups and tower

Life: Creating boundaries, a good leader, dealing with matters as they arise, Love: Unwilling to listen, nobody seems good enough, better things to do than love, Career: Dismissive of others ideas, treating people sternly, stirs trouble, Health: Ignoring many health regimes, scoffs at diets and fads. You may find that your ideas are not grounded in reality. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A project fueled by ambition and ego or a status symbol. Here is a love reading based on the 7 of Cups tarot card that will help you gain insight into your current love situation. But others hold gifts that are not gifts at all; instead, they are curses, such as the snake or dragon. If it's 7C then Tower, I'd say that the Tower amplifies the 7C. Life: Fatigue, mental and physical disturbance, making very slow progress, Love: Betrayal, sudden bad news, needing to make a decision, Career: Work draining you, projects taking too long, losing interest in your current job, Health: Not sticking to goals, giving up too easily, unmotivated. Set healthy boundaries, ask for help, and learn how to delegate effectively. List of Tarot Spreads Set healthy boundaries, ask for help, and learn how to delegate effectively. When The Seven of Cups is in the same reading as. This is an excellent tarot spread for love & relationships. The Tower, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to deal with noteworthy or overarching issues in your reading. The Tower and the Seven of Swords remind you that as masterful as your wits are, they are not unbreakable and instead will likely cause disaster. Write for us! The Tower and four of Pentacles warn you to guard your assets with your life, because something big is coming. You have to sometimes spend money to make more. From each cup emerges an unusual gift for him- a snake, a human head, a veiled figure, a tower, a laurel wreath, treasure, and a dragon. Love: Loss of a loved one, a break up, broken heart, inability to move on, Career: Job loss, rejections, feeling lost, unhappy in your current job, Health: Mental health, sleep problems, not eating well. Place the 7 of Cups Card at the top of your spread face up and then pull 6 more cards, placing them in a row below the 7 of cups. Join in right now with the most popular readers & advisors ranked by Oranum. Rune Meanings You are prone to illusion and unrealistic ideals. Based on your skills, you can go in many different directions and thrive. The Tower and The Emperor create a different kind of energy, together representing a falling plan or structure that may have once seemed ideal. In these moments it is important to remember the good in our lives so that we can focus on balancing our state of mind. Its also a card that can signal a lack of dreams and creativity. What you see here is a pairing of destruction and loss, but from that is a chance for you to grow once more. The Seven of Cups, a Minor Arcana card is more likely to reference more everyday or short-term issues. Details. The Tower and the Knight of Pentacles are not ideal when it comes to stability. Life: Gatherings, potential friction, conflict between loved ones, Love: Uncertainty, family arguments, disagreements with your soul, Career: Usual work environment shift, preparation for chaos, lots of overtime, Health: Entering new classes, health recommendations, help and support being offered. The Seven of Cups And The Two of Wands Tarot Cards Together The Seven of Cups and The Two of Wands compared The Two of Wands is also called The Two of Rods or The Two of Staves in some tarot decks. When a tarot reading commences, the cards are all placed in specific areas based on when they are pulled from the deck. - "iFate" is a registered trademark of Futuremedia - All Rights Strictly Enforced - Nothing on this website constitutes medical advice, financial advice or other advice. (For a more detailed description of the Seven of Cups visit the Seven of Cups card interpretation page.). The Tower and The Ace of Swords take a chaotic turn for the better as new beginnings dawn in your horizon. The Tower. This intermediate-level reading resembles one of Cupid's arrows. Time is of the essence with you, and you handle it well. A cards meaning changes based on its location in a reading including whether or not its upright or reversed. The Tower - sudden change, upheaval, chaos. The Tower and the Page of Wands seek thrilling and exciting adventures together. Top ten psychic of 2022* awards winner* arabic natural born psychic* 15 years experience Energy healer, no tools reader, calirvoyant psychic energy worker. Talk about the Seven of Cups as feelings! This is a combining of the Major and Minor Arcana. REVERSED: Alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices. You are using an out of date browser. The Tower and the Nine of Wands warn you that what is to come will turn your world upside down and leave you feeling weary. The, Relationships take work to maintain but if youre willing to put in the effort, you will experience personal growth and stronger bonds with your partner. . A termporary period of chaos. Looking deeper into your soul and result in great cosmic shifts that you should prepare for. With this duo, it will happen sooner than you think. Your tarot reading includes many cards, and they all influence each other. However, if there is just one card from this suit among the many in your reading, your feelings are not playing a big role in your life at this time. Life: Sudden and chaotic change, strong feelings, ill preparation, Love: Strong love, two souls colliding, strong forces at work, Career: Intense emotion surrounding projects, possible liquidation of the firm you are in, surprising offers, Health: Boundless energy, new recipes encouraging better health, holistic therapy. Love: Too much arguing, mistrust leading to broken relations, repeating the past. All rights reserved. You may feel spread thin and exhausted when it comes to family and home life. Life: Surprising news, possible celebration, important events, Love: Weddings or proposals, shocking admissions, meeting your soul mate, Career: Your confidence and attitude creating harmony and opportunity, fantastic job offers, learning new skills, Health: Playing team sports, joining a support group, making important decisions. With change doesnt always come disaster, and if you are in the midst of a shift, plan your way out of it. Contact us. The Tower and The Sun represent a force to be reckoned with. I don't see that aspect in my reading, but I don't think it could be as bad as the traditional meaning. Life: Money issues, surprising news, loss in finances, Love: Break up and likely dividing assets, lack of affection, loss of support, Career: Sudden change or loss in job, demotion or redundancy, pay cut, Health: Unable to exercise, lack of support in your health endeavours, not feeling motivated. The Tower and Eight of Cups transform your old ways to new. Choose wisely. Privacy and Terms. Are you after the material gains represented by the castle, the beauty represented by the jewelry, or the power of life and death itself, as defined by the raised body? The Seven of Pentacles is the card that shows up in the Tarot readings of those pondering a change in their life's direction. I seldom see the Tower indicating really good things, though. When you have been still for so long, it can seem daunting to finally be moving again. Could the Tower card have a positive meaning? The card shows person with their back turned towards us, contemplating 7 images that are creeping out of the cups, all of which are floating in the clouds. I would not see the 7 providing any type of clarity after a Tower event. What lesson am I meant to learn from this? When the card is reversed, the crucial terms include alignment, personal values, and being overwhelmed by choices. The pace does not detract you from your end goal, so keep going. Cups are the emotional suit, so in the upright version of The Seven of Cups, the obstacle lies in deciding when there are too many choices or putting daydreaming to better use (such as making those dreams come true). Life: Sly behaviour, consequences, destructive behaviour, Love: Potential infidelity, resentful, jealous, break up, Career: Work changes, job demotion or redundancy, meetings with your boss to discuss work and behaviour, Health: Depression, refusing to seek help, ignoring messages from your body. Its imperative to pull clarification cards and carefully assess the meanings the surrounding cards to give you a good read on your unique situation. If you find yourself with multiple opportunities or ideas, ground yourself first and reflect on what you want for the long-term. The represent stressful times for you. Like a lightning bolt from a clear sky, a major turbulence of life suddenly hits you out of nowhere. Do you have a plan to get rich quickly? Can you take on the challenge in order to get to your destination? The Hermit and the Seven Of Cups are asking you to stop and think carefully about the choices afore you. You must listen to your heart. This simple 3-rune spread borrowed from tarot, reveals the past, present and future of any situation, person or event. iFate works with writers who have knowledge and experience about all types of esoterica.We're an equal opportunity publication with a strong commitment to diversity, equity and jnclusion. Life: Doing something you dont want to do, pressured to accept help, Love: Sudden need to make home improvements which could cause arguments, frosty atmosphere, Career: Having to work with a team that you would rather not, duties you do not wish to undertake, Health: Possible injury and the needing of physiotherapy, being given advice you dont like from professionals. Have you tried iFate's award-winning free tarot readings?Click here to try one of over 20 different tarot readings now. Your ego may pull you in a specific direction, but its important you check in with your Higher Self first. Wht you discover about yourself in this time is that you are more than capable of running into a brand new day with gumption and focus. The positions are "You", "Your Partner" and "The Outlook". I Ching Meanings If you spend most of your time wishing but not doing the work, then its time to choose just one thing and make it happen. You or someone else could be unsure of their true feelings and therefore will most likely not act. Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. The calm follows the storm, so allow the dust to settle. Grab a measuring tape to measure and record each tower. Today's Moon Phase Tarot eBooks. Youre going to have many opportunities presenting themselves to you all at once. This means the combination of these two cards is strongly negative if they apply to a Yes or No question . All prices in USD. Calm, collective and kind will lead you out of disaster. The Tower and the Nine of Cups represent a final obstacle before contentment. The Tower and The Moon represent fear amongst change. Think outside of the box and get out of your comfort zone to improve your current situation. The Tower and the Five of Swords do not seek friendships or love easily. Based on your skills, you can go in many different directions and thrive. Life: Moving fast, not always thinking sensibly, rarely planning, Love: Forgetful with important dates, means well, consequences of not being thoughtful, Career: Disorganisation leading to meetings, good decisions but time not planned well, Health: Doing too much too soon, not thinking sensibly, possible injury. Dont be dampened by those who are jealous, just carry on being you. The Tower and the Two of Cups sees a crazy era of love entering your life, exactly when you expect it the least. If you keep refusing to listen to anybody else, you will find yourself rather alone and in sudden need of redemption. Life: Transformation, being pulled out of your sadness, moving on, Love: Healing from old wounds, undoing bad habits, new beginnings, Career: Learning from your mistakes, possible appraisal or review, Health: Sticking to health regimes, implementing change, desiring a better body and mind. Life: Offers, promising future, stability, Love: Tradition and sensible minds coming together, fast paced love, Career: Exciting times being born, faster work environment, potentially more work, Health: Ready to start taking greater care, sudden urge to get fit, new exercise classes. Define "next to" as I find the order of the cards is important when interpreting them. But be careful! Dont be fooled that having options is a good thing. Remember to set intentions to gain clarity and to ground yourself along the way. The Seven of Cups depicts a person facing the mysterious appearance of strange images from those cups in a floating cloud. The Tower and Strength together show us how chaos can be met with compassion and patience. If you need to rest, rest. As it stands, your focus needs to shift to what can you learn from this and where will it take you next? The reversed Seven of Cups often appears when you face several different choices and, instead of choosing the option that may appeal to others, you are relying on your inner wisdom and guidance to show you the best way. Female + Female. Talk about the Seven of Cups as feelings! Its ideal if your trying to choose between two people or if youre struggling to decide if you should enter into or leave a relationship. Do you have high hopes? The Seven of Cups symbolizes imagination, choice, wishful thinking, illusion and fantasy. This frazzled world of yours neednt be so. There is plenty of time to do more research and educate yourself so you can make a well informed choice between someone or something. The Tower causes the false to crumble, the 7 of Cups shows "false choices" amid (presumably) a hidden "true" choice. Life: A lighthouse in a storm, leadership in times of trial, enthusiasm to improve your current situation, Love: Sudden admirers, positive attitude in love, inspiring lover, Career: Leader of the pack, a trusted worker during tough times, possible good and surprising news, Health: Leading health groups, inspiring you and yours to change for the better, setting up your own business in health. Sun upright AND Ten of Swords upright. These positions represent your past, your present, and your future. Of course you may wish and yearn for a life planned, but your Tower moment awaits! This card could mean a sudden break-up with your partner or failure of business or being fired from your job. Seven of Cups - Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet The Tower and the Nine of Swords represent a tumultuous time in your life, where so much has happened, it has left you bewildered and unable to cope. With too much on offer, you can create your own chaos unless you think sensibly and use your heart. Upright. Privacy Policy. The Seven of Cups is the lower echo of two cards in the Major Arcana: (card #17). In taking the rough with the smooth you are destined for success. The illusions have ended. I know you can do this, but I also know it wont be easy. Take a step back and assess the options against your priorities to work out which opportunities will be a real benefit to you. Life: Financial loss, career in trouble, lifestyle burden, Love: Sudden loss, regret, painful break ups, Career: Job loss or redundancy, business going bust, willingness to be open minded, Health: Depressive moods causing bad decisions, possible addiction from stress, low points mentally and physically. An opportunity with promises of more money, more fame, or more power may sound appealing, but as you look deeper into what is on offer, you may realise its not everything its cracked up to be. The Tower is a powerful arcane card of unexpected and drastic change. Good news is always welcome, and when things feel a little stale or unhappy, the good news is even better. 'Chemistry' is an intermediate 6-card tarot spread which reveals the energies and romantic possibilities between people. Perhaps you need to let things fall apart a little. I used to see both cards negatively but when it comes to feelings, I don't really see it that way anymore. Pleasure-seeking may mean you are pursuing a life of selfishness at the core. You may not feel ready, but you are. Got questions? Career: Overwhelming amount of work, suffering silently, Health: No energy, mental or physical breakdown, ability to focus if you allow it. Seven of Cups as how someone sees you - a possession; - materialistic; - wanting to live in denial, refusing to see the truth; - someone wanting others to be jealous; - learning what is important and what is not; - appearing to have it all, while really you have nothing; - wanting to be better than the Jones's; This may seem a lot to handled but I know you can do it. Rider-Waite symbolism. Career Meaning: If youre looking to diversify your portfolio, and experience level, or make a career move, now is a good time. What may look fun and tempting is seldom as enjoyable as it seems, and yet the cost is often higher in personal suffering than we ever imagined. If you move constantly from one thing to another, nothing will ever feel complete or whole. The Yes or No meaning of the Two of Cups is "yes", while the Yes or No meaning of the Seven of Wands is "no". Your hopes, dreams, and unrealized aspirations are all fair game to the VII of Cups. Think outside of the box and get out of your comfort zone to improve your current situation. 2. Both the Seven of Cups and the Tower have a Yes or No meaning of "No". It may not display this or other websites correctly. 2023 Biddy Tarot. Representing surprise and homecoming you may want to hold on tight for this ride. Often the beauty of Mother Nature is only seen after a storm. NOTE: While there is a general consensus on Yes or No tarot meanings, the truth is there is no universally accepted Yes or No interpretation of every tarot card. Yes, absolutely! Life: Choices, growing up and moving on, learning lessons, Love: Breaking old habits, seeking unity, leaving the past behind, Career: Stepping up the ladder, thinking outside the box, taking chances, Health: Knowing what you need to work on in order to feel better, shedding old skin. 3. Click here to try one of over 20 different tarot readings now. Desolation is rife and sudden as you enter a period of unease. Or you might wish for a successful business fuelled by passive income, but youre not ready and willing to put in the hard work now to enjoy the fruits of your labour later. Our tarot experts drew this card for today! What a powerful pair who lead the way to light and love it may come quick but you are more than prepared. This is also optional. Life: Helping others suddenly, possible emergency, a great leader, Love: Taking charge of issues, wanting o be productive, positive changes, Career: Persevering, difficult job choices, being challenged, Health: Knowing what needs to be done, fixing ongoing injuries, seeking help in ailments. Keep you mind sharp and open to solutions. Nothing lasts forever, and if you can overcome these obstacles that prevent the usual serenity from occurring, you will be fine. Gender associations and the Seven of Cups combined with the Ten of Cups. When the Seven of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you have many options and opportunities from which you can choose. Know that you may not b in an ideal situation right now, but you will gain strength from it. Some cups bear desirable gifts such as jewels and a wreath of victory. If the 7 Cups came before the Tower, then I'd totally agree with the misguided illusionary/delusional dreams, (drinking the Kool-aid), building a shaky stair case on unstable foundations. Of course, if you didnt put yourself there in the first place, you wouldnt need to get out. The Tower on the other hand, is connected with the ruling planet Mars, and not directly associated with a zodiac sign like the Seven of Cups. The Tower and Seven of Cups Tarot Cards Together. Also: An accident or collapse of some kind. Life: Learn from the past, brand new ways to live, brave new steps, Love: Not repeating past mistakes, seeking new and healthier love, finding yourself, loving yourself, Career: Refusing to be bullied at work, standing up for yourself, being noticed for good reasons, Health: Seeing the benefits to mindfulness, working towards a fitter you. Seek professional advice from a therapist, counselor, or psychic advisor. Lets take a closer look at what that means should Seven of Cups appear in your tarot spread. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The Tower and Seven of Cups together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. The Suit of Cups is mostly associated with the female gender. Exciting changes can be born from a past of frantic events, and you are first in line. All these shiny new objects in front of you have a certain magic power over you right now, and youre at risk of losing focus if you chase after pipedreams. Life: Making mistakes, not thinking ahead, ill timed actions, Love: Tripping up in love, getting bored, hurting others, Career: Being pulled up on your errors, preoccupied at work, bored of your career and seeking change, Health: Bored of routine, trying different forms of exercise, not sticking to diets. Its a favorable time for furthering your training and education as well. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Everything You Need to Know About Birth Chart Readings, Taurus Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. The Tower and the Page of Swords are an energetic force of nature dispelling fear with a fiery gust of wind! When we are ready, we do heal. Survival instincts. You are that soul, and you are moving mountains with your desires. You are prone to illusion and unrealistic ideals. The Magician is a card associated with illusions, and if it appears in a reading with The Seven of Cups, you might be the person who is tempting others by manipulating their desires. The Tower and the Six of Pentacles Cause disruption where money grows. (For a more detailed description of the Tower visit the Tower card interpretation page.). Generally, this card is a hint that youll get past whatever obstacle is there. Life: Life changing moments, brand new beginnings, courage, Love: A new love, or old love revisited, huge surprises, brand new start intertwined with better habits, Career: Sudden shake up, promotion or job loss, new chapter, Health: Health scare that brings forth positive change, sudden energy kick. The Tower and the Ace of Pentacles bring forth a sudden improvement in your career and financial prospects. Did you cheat on a diet or exercise plan and stick to the script that obesity is just in your genes? Money Meaning: Your finances are going to increase soon. Whilst your energy soars, your attention to detail fades. Having your hands in too many cups can leave you overcommitted and unfulfilled. When you are constantly in the idea phase, you miss the chance to bring your designs into fruition. Wands are weeks. The Tower and Justice meet to remind you that with change comes consequence. Generally speaking, Waite describes these cups as strange chalices of vision. The Tower and the Two of Wands together prepare you for something big that is about to happen. As the symbolism of the imagery suggests, there are too many choices, temptations, and questions at hand, preventing a clear decision from being made. However, these are the most common and recurring ones to appear. Could the 7/cups soften the blow of the Tower.. almost making it a "Oh!" The Tower and the Two of Swords want to take you out of your comfort zone and shake up your habits. Somebody or something is en route to sabotage your quest for success. These are open doors, and they all lead to abundance. Although chaos ensues, new beginnings come of it. You usually like and work towards a certain status quo but sometimes, just sometimes, things dont go the way you plan. Irresponsibility: When The Seven of Cups is in the same reading as The Sun, someone else is paying the bills, and you are taking full advantage of having a second childhood with few foreseeable consequences. The Tower and the Six of Swords come to you at a time where you have coped well with a significant upheaval in your life. If need be, note your ideas as they come up, but stay focused on the one thing youre doing. Life: Upheaval indicating you to pause, too much going on, Love: People pleasing leaving you exhausted, encountering change in how you are treated or how you treat others, Career: Inevitable change, release from a painful or disliked job, Health: Taking control of your health, feeling the need to do it all at once, needing to prioritise. He is resting his body weight on his hands on the tool with its blade head set deep in the tilled soil at his feet. A past based on narcissistic pursuits doesnt typically lead to a solid present or future. There can be hope, even at the darkest of times. The Tower and The Star represent a force of healing and positivity following a probable tough time. Do not let darkness and bedlam walk you down a path that you neednt be on. Four of Cups upright AND Wheel of Fortune upright AND Four of Pentacles upright. For example, you may wish for a fitter, more healthy body, until it's time to get out there and exercise. Life: Clouded judgement, uncertain assumptions, doubt in change, Love: Possible jealousy, arguments leading to self doubt, fearing growth, Career: Letting go of what others think of you, showing what you are worth, offering your talents, Health: Allowing bad habits to continue, unwilling to change, ignoring health warnings. iFate Insight Blog. If either of these cards appears in a reading with The Seven of Cups, desire and motivation are intensified while pleasure-seeking is lessened. When these cards meet, extraordinary things happen. Preparation is needed however, for the rate of speed things change. Being uncomfortable. Reduce your options and focus on what is important to you. The Tower and the King of Pentacles are questioning your authority. The effect of the Tower card might be radically altered by the neighboring cards on the table. Do people tell you that your dreams are just illusions? You dont have to be rushed into something or settle if youre not comfortable with it. The Tower and the Ten of Wands carry a heavy load together. Do the right thing. The Tower and The Empress represent an air of change surrounding the mysterious way you present yourself to others, Life: Open to people, seeking joy and loyalty through changes, Love: Surprising offers, newfound sense of passion and wonder, Career: Attracting potential job promotion or change that suits you better, asking to lead a team, Health: Seeing positive change in how you treat yourself, calling to meditate with immediate results. Do you have high hopes? UPRIGHT: Opportunities, choices, wishful thinking, illusion. Both the Seven of Cups and the Two of Wands cards are Minor Arcana cards. Your house is abuzz with constant activity. The Tower and The Devil mostly serve to warn you in their paired interpretation. Use good discernment skills and carefully weigh out the pros and cons of each offer in order to make the right decision for your future. If either of these cards appears in a reading with The Seven of Cups, desire and motivation are intensified while pleasure-seeking is lessened. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. Life: Wisdom in adversity, sensible approach, seeing the good in bad, Love: The voice of reason during arguments, allowing storms to pass, putting love before ego, Career: Great problem solving, stress rolls off your shoulders, approached well by your colleagues, Health: Patient in your goals, achieving and seeing results, not letting little bumps in the road hold you back. The Hermit and Seven Of Cups. can help you navigate the roadblocks that are preventing you from feeling balanced. The energy you have dampens little by the fast paced life that you attract or live. Life: Strong head on shoulders, confident thinker, making progress, Love: Moving forward together, possible reconciliation, enjoying time together, Career: Potential travel for work, mobile job, growing business, Health: Fresh commitments, keeping to your word, fitness such as running or cycling. There is only one way out of a slump: hard work. What is the overall energy of my current situation? You need to remind yourself that even if you are moving very slowly, you are still moving. All rights reserved. Life: Needing to make a speedy choice, surprising consequences, Love: Decisions in love needed, potential crossroads and uncertainty, Career: Unsure of your next move, not wanting change, job under threat, Health: Feeling unwell, needing to create healthy options, using your time wisely. The Seven of Cups is a card of new opportunities, choices, and at times, illusion. My prayers can change your life. Life: Financial change, exhaustion, impatience, Love: Frustrated with relations, things not working out, make or break, Career: Your efforts getting you nowhere, lack of motivation, Health: Fatigued, not doing anything to improve your health, needing to see a professional. The Tower and the Six of Wands represent a surprise amount of success coming your way and it is all down to your hard work! Life: Reflection, evaluation, searching for meaning, Love: Wanting to be appreciated, a shift in dynamics, questioning your worth, Career: Feeling unappreciated, searching for a change in career or position, Health: Reeling in the consequences of overindulgence, potential disruptions in sleep.

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